
Paroles de Pounette : à méditer

"Lorsqu'on cherche à connaître le coeur d'un Homme, on s'y attache"
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Fruity Smoked Sausage Bites

These smoked sausage bites are perfect for a quick and simple appetizer for any type party or get-together. Easy to throw together and taste so good!

3 packages (about 12 large links) chicken and apple sausage, cut into 1-inch chunks
8 ounces fruit chutney, such as mango, apple, apricot or cranberry chutney
1/2 cup chili sauce
1 or 2 onions, diced

In slow cooker combine all ingredients. Stir and mix well.

Cover and cook on LOW for 5 to 6 hours, or on HIGH for 2 to 3 hours.

You can just serve hot from the slow cooker or from serving platter.

Makes 50 to 60 smoked sausage bites.

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Chicken and Corn Chili

Slow Cooker Chicken and Corn Chili is so easy and delicious. You can top it with grated cheese, sour cream, black olives, or your favorite toppings. Serve with warm bread.

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
1 (16 ounces) jar salsa (mild or medium)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 (11 ounces) can Mexican-style corn
1 (15 ounces) can pinto beans
salt and pepper to taste

Add chicken and salsa to slow cooker.

Season with cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, salt and pepper.

Cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours.

2 hours before you serve it, shred the chicken and return the meat to the slow cooker and continue cooking for the remaining time.

1 hour before you will serve it stir the corn and the pinto beans into the slow cooker.

Stir well before serving.

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Slow Cooker Pork and Sauerkraut

Slow Cooker Pork and Sauerkraut is full of flavor. Slow cooked for 10 hours for fork tender pork that is delicious!

1 boneless pork shoulder roast (3 to 4 lbs), trim excess fat
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 (2 pound) bag refrigerated sauerkraut
1 red apple, peeled, cored and diced
1 (12 ounce) bottle full-bodied beer
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 (14 ounce) can whole-berry cranberry sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper


Spray slow cooker bowl with nonstick cooking spray.

Season the pork with salt and pepper. Brown in a skillet on all sides then place in slow cooker.

Add onion, sauerkraut and apple. In mixing bowl blend beer, brown sugar, and vinegar. Pour over pork.

Cover and cook on LOW for 10 hours.

Remove pork from slow cooker. Remove vegetables with a slotted spoon and place on serving platter.

Strain liquid into a bowl. Skim excess fat.

Microwave the cranberry sauce in a glass bowl for 1 minute.

Slice pork and serve over sauerkraut. Drizzle with some of the cooking liquid. Top with cranberry sauce.

Makes: 8 servings

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Smoky Navy Bean Soup

Warm up with a bowl Slow Cooker Smoky Navy Bean Soup. Serve with warm bread and enjoy!

1 pound navy beans, soaked overnight
2 cups (8 ounce) chopped smoked ham
1 small onion, chopped
3 ribs celery, thinly diced
3 carrots, peeled and thinly diced
1 (14 1/2 ounce) can petite diced tomatoes with jalapeno pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1 (5 ounce) bag baby spinach
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper


Coat slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray.

Drain beans and add to slow cooker.

Add 6 cups water.

Add ham, onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes and thyme.

Cover and cook on LOW for 10 hours.

Remove 2 cups of the soup. Puree and return to slow cooker. Mix well.

Add salt and pepper.

Add spinach and stir until wilted.

Makes: 8 servings

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Easy Slow Cooker Beef and Noodles

Try this easy slow cooker Beef and Noodles recipes made with just four ingredients! This is a simple recipe that is perfect for those busy week days.

1 pound beef for stew meat
1 (10.75 ounce) can Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup or Golden Mushroom soup
1 (10.5 ounce) can condensed French onion soup
1 (16 ounce) bag mini-peeled carrots (can use just half the bag of carrots)

Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and mix well.

Cook on LOW 8 to 9 hours.

Serve over noodles or rice.

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Les animaux s'orienteraient-ils au coeur ?

- suite de l'article précédent- 
Lili sait se rendre à son ancien chez elle et elle parcourt ce chemin régulièrement.
Son orientation ? :
« C’est comme si je voyais la destination. Je passe par les pelouses et les jardins. Cette orientation m’est naturelle. Je sais où est situé mon coin à moi. Il est gravé dans mon cœur. Quand je m’en rapproche mon cœur est heureux. »

Elle considère qu’elle sait naturellement se situer ! Cette orientation lui est naturelle ! Elle ne parle pas d’intuition, ni de 6ème sens et encore moins de sens de l’orientation ! Elle parle de son cœur ! Son cœur devient heureux lorsqu’elle se rapproche de sa première maison.  

Elle parcourt ce chemin dans un seul sens car, elle ne sait pas rentrer à son domicile actuel ! Elle dit clairement « En revanche, je ne sais pas rentrer. ». Un flair ou le sens de l’orientation la mènerait dans une direction ou dans une autre. Ce n’est pas le cas avec Lili.
D’ailleurs, comment font les chats qui parcourent des kilomètres alors que certains ne savent pas où ils se situent au point de départ et que d’autres ne savent pas où est le point d’arrivée ? Et pourtant, preuve en est que certains, bien que rares, y arrivent.
Comment ?

Sur la base de cette même question, Rupert Sheldrake rappelle que des études ont été menées un siècle durant avec les pigeons voyageurs pour tenter de comprendre comment ils peuvent rentrer au pigeonnier sans jamais se tromper. Pourtant, leur navigation demeure une énigme.
Ils ont été lâchés à des centaines de kilomètres de chez eux, les yeux bandés, leur magnétisme perturbé par des aimants, les narines obturées. Ils ont été menés par des chemins détournés, en caissons obscurs. Où qu’ils aient été lâchés, quelques furent les conditions de transport, à l’aller, et de sens perturbés, au retour, les pigeons sont rentrés chez eux.

Alors pourquoi ne pas croire Lili qui dit ne se fier qu’à son cœur pour se rendre sur le lieu qui lui convient tant ?
Les pigeons voyageurs, les baleines, les tortues, les papillons migrateurs, et tant d’autres espèces qui migrent sur des milliers de kilomètres parfois sur des générations, s’orienteraient-ils au CŒUR ?
Et pourquoi pas ?

La conclusion serait celle-ci : gratifier le cœur de votre animal afin qu’il soit heureux auprès de vous. Alors, il reviendra toujours vers vous, heureux. 
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Seafood in Dinner Parties for Full Enjoyment

Planning a dinner party that can please crowds and looks as elegant as possible, then you should try exclusive party recipes to influence your family and friends. Today, individuals want to throw exceptional birthday or bachelor party that can be enjoyed by almost all friends. In order to host such an extravagant party, people look out for each and every aspect from party decoration to dinner menu. In fact, it is easy celebrate and organize events at the backyard or garden only. If you have small number of friends then your garden or backyard is the finest place to consider. You can easily manage dinner as well as dances or other programs to enjoy with family and friends.

When you are inviting your friends, you always want to enhance their experiencing by adding more delicious recipes and game programs. Once you have decided your venue then it becomes easy to choose and finalize the dinner items that can add value to your party. Most of the people, consult with the party planners and some directly include world-famous lamb chops or seafood for uniqueness and delightfulness. The reason behind is that such food is the favorite of all. People enjoy seafood products in the fun parties. This is why hosts select seafood as the best appetizer party.

It is easy to select sensational salmon or cod recipes, recipes that feed a passionate crowd or orange juices, desserts and other items that can add extra fun & flavor to the party. From great seafood appetizers to stunning cocktails to bakery products, you can add the high-flavor menu for your dinner party! If you are highly inspired, then you can add red wine, burgers, coffees or other refreshing items for ultimate fun. Most of the health conscious people choose seafood products for health benefits and taste advantages.

In both, formal and informal parties seafood products has its own importance and value. People love roasted crabs, grilled cod or salmon or stuffed golden pompano. These products give amazing taste and make the party environment more exciting and flavorful. These recipes look very appealing and allow guests to enjoy with wines and desserts. For exclusivity, these items are warmly spiced for deliciousness.

In fact, it is easy to order seafood direct from the seafood market. Vendors provide freshly packed sea species as per your requirements. Moreover, you can order special items also such as frozen blue mussels, cod Gadus morhua, frozen squid, crabs, salmon, vannamei white shrimp, Alaska pollock fish etc.

So, whether you are hosting a formal or casual dinner party, you can always rely on amazing seafood recipes.

The author is associated with King Nestle International Company. It specializes in supplying the highest quality sea food products (such as frozen tilapia fillet, vannamei white shrimp, Alaskan pollock fish, cod Gadus Morhua, etc.) They proudly present their seafood services that can add extra value to the commercial markets.
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Pourquoi les chats parcourent-ils des kilomètres ?

Lili est une chatte de 7 ans qui a déménagé avec ses maîtres. Quand ces derniers partent en vacances, elle retourne systématiquement à son ancien domicile. Elle parcourt seule la distance qui sépare les deux maisons.

 A l’instar de quelques autres chats, Lili parcourt du chemin seule pour retrouver son lieu d’habitat préféré. Ces chats, souvent des mâles, parcourent des centaines de kilomètres pour retrouver leurs compagnons humains ou leur habitat. Pourquoi et comment font-ils ?

Interrogeons Lili : Quelles sont ses motivations ? Un à deux kilomètres séparent les deux demeures. Comment sait-elle s’y rendre ? Comment fait-elle pour s’orienter ? Combien de temps lui faut-il ? N’a-t-elle pas peur ? Sait-elle en revenir ?
Ecoutons-la :

« Ah, mon chez moi ? J’étais bien là-bas. J’y suis attachée affectivement. J’aimais particulièrement une pièce de la maison. Et j’aimais le jardin avec les arbustes. Il y avait aussi un petit arbre (type hauteur de cerisier). J’aimais particulièrement ces endroits. Je m’y sens en sécurité. C’est ma place. J’adore là-bas. »

Elle ajoute que la solitude, imposée par le départ en vacances de ses propriétaires, l’insécurise. Elle va alors trouver un refuge sécurisant sur les lieux de son ancien chez elle, d’autant qu’il y a toujours un voisin présent pour s’occuper d’elle.

Cela signifie, concrètement, qu’un animal est attaché non seulement à ses propriétaires mais également à son lieu d’habitat. Et lorsque les premiers font défauts, si le lieu n’est pas sécurisant, l’animal se rend sur le lieu qui lui garantit cette sécurité.

Son ancienne maison lui plaît tellement que Lili ajoute « Lorsque l’heure de mourir viendra, j’aimerais que cela soit là-bas »
Comment fait-elle donc pour s’orienter et trouver son chemin ? La réponse qu’elle fournit est sidérante !

La suite dans un prochain post.
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Seafood in Dinner Parties for Full Enjoyment

Planning a dinner party that can please crowds and looks as elegant as possible, then you should try exclusive party recipes to influence your family and friends. Today, individuals want to throw exceptional birthday or bachelor party that can be enjoyed by almost all friends. In order to host such an extravagant party, people look out for each and every aspect from party decoration to dinner menu. In fact, it is easy celebrate and organize events at the backyard or garden only. If you have small number of friends then your garden or backyard is the finest place to consider. You can easily manage dinner as well as dances or other programs to enjoy with family and friends.

When you are inviting your friends, you always want to enhance their experiencing by adding more delicious recipes and game programs. Once you have decided your venue then it becomes easy to choose and finalize the dinner items that can add value to your party. Most of the people, consult with the party planners and some directly include world-famous lamb chops or seafood for uniqueness and delightfulness. The reason behind is that such food is the favorite of all. People enjoy seafood products in the fun parties. This is why hosts select seafood as the best appetizer party.

It is easy to select sensational salmon or cod recipes, recipes that feed a passionate crowd or orange juices, desserts and other items that can add extra fun & flavor to the party. From great seafood appetizers to stunning cocktails to bakery products, you can add the high-flavor menu for your dinner party! If you are highly inspired, then you can add red wine, burgers, coffees or other refreshing items for ultimate fun. Most of the health conscious people choose seafood products for health benefits and taste advantages.

In both, formal and informal parties seafood products has its own importance and value. People love roasted crabs, grilled cod or salmon or stuffed golden pompano. These products give amazing taste and make the party environment more exciting and flavorful. These recipes look very appealing and allow guests to enjoy with wines and desserts. For exclusivity, these items are warmly spiced for deliciousness.

In fact, it is easy to order seafood direct from the seafood market. Vendors provide freshly packed sea species as per your requirements. Moreover, you can order special items also such as frozen blue mussels, cod Gadus morhua, frozen squid, crabs, salmon, vannamei white shrimp, Alaska pollock fish etc.

So, whether you are hosting a formal or casual dinner party, you can always rely on amazing seafood recipes.

The author is associated with King Nestle International Company. It specializes in supplying the highest quality sea food products (such as frozen tilapia fillet, vannamei white shrimp, Alaskan pollock fish, cod Gadus Morhua, etc.) They proudly present their seafood services that can add extra value to the commercial markets.
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Adopter un chaton

Chat stressé, peureux ou inquiet, refusant de s’alimenter, s’adaptant difficilement à son nouveau domicile…Telles sont les manifestations d’une adoption précoce, trop précoce. Pour le bien-être de votre futur protégé, mieux vaut vérifier qu’il ait minimum 2 mois et demi et que sa mère l’ait clairement incité à aller vivre sa vie ailleurs. Pourquoi ?

Les chatons des gestations hivernales commencent progressivement à être sevrés. Bientôt, il faudra penser à les placer. Certaines personnes y pensent déjà sérieusement et sont prêtes à les faire adopter dès l’âge d’un mois et demi.

Pourtant, même sevré, un chaton d’1,5 mois n’est pas prêt à quitter sa mère.
Une mère chatte a d’importants apprentissages à transmettre encore. Par exemple : le léchage et une bonne hygiène indispensable à une bonne santé, l’orientation, le repérage de son environnement, la chasse, la sociabilité etc.
Ce n’est qu’à la fin de cet enseignement, qu’elle considère qu’il est temps pour le chaton de devenir autonome. Seule la mère chatte sait quand l’heure de la séparation est arrivée.

La mère va signifier à son chaton qu’il doit partir. Elle-même va reprendre sa vie sans se laisser suivre par son chaton. Le chaton a alors plutôt 3 mois.

Sans le message d’autonomie envoyé par sa mère, le chaton lui restera attaché.
C’est-à-dire qu’un chaton séparé trop tôt de sa mère n’aura pas reçu ce message. Il aura ainsi besoin de bien plus de temps pour s’adapter à son nouvel environnement. Son besoin de sécurité sera plus fort ce qui se traduira soit par un sur-attachement à ses propriétaires soit par une tendance à l’isolement. Il s’adaptera plus difficilement à toutes les nouvelles situations et gardera un stress des années durant.

Un chaton adopté au bon moment devient confiant, serein et facile à vivre. Tout le monde y gagne.
Les vétérinaires et les vrais éleveurs recommandent ce délai de 3 mois. Respectez-les vous aussi en tant que nouvel adoptant ou en tant qu’éleveurs ponctuels.
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Jeune chat de 8 mois à adopter

Merlinou cherche espace de liberté

Jeune chat s'ennuyant en appartement et rêvant de gambader dans la nature cherche famille ayant un jardin loin des voitures

Ce jeune chat est très joueur, vif et débrouillard. Il est castré et en parfaite santé.

Adopté auprès d’une association, il est pucé et possède son passeport santé

Merlinou vit actuellement sur Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

La famille adoptante s'engage à :
  • lui procurer de bons soins et la liberté
  • s’engage à donner des nouvelles et des photos à Danièle après l’adoption.
Contact : se référer page contact. 

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Des scientifiques, zoologues, éthologues, neurologues…étudient depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années le comportement cognitif des animaux, qu’ils soient primates, cacatoès, corvidés…

« Aujourd’hui, on est en mesure d’affirmer que les animaux ont une conscience» reconnaît le professeur Roth, neuro-cognitien de l’université de Bremen :
Il ajoute : « La métacognition (savoir ce qu’on voit et savoir ce qu’on sait) n’est plus l’apanage des humains. Ces dernières années, on a mené des expériences relativement compliquées qui ont établi de manière probante que les animaux savent s’ils savent quelque chose et évaluent leur stratégie comportementale en fonction de ce critère. »
Il conclue « Même si nous pouvons affirmer que nous sommes les plus intelligents, il n’est pas certain que nous soyons les plus sensés. »

Je ne vous en dévoile pas plus, regardez sans tarder le documentaire de Gabi Schlag et Benno Wenzsur Arte (lien ci-dessus) qui met en lumière les travaux scientifiques des nombreux spécialistes du règne animal.
rediffusion : Dimanche 21 avril 2013, 09h55
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Seafood in Dinner Parties for Full Enjoyment

Planning a dinner party that can please crowds and looks as elegant as possible, then you should try exclusive party recipes to influence your family and friends. Today, individuals want to throw exceptional birthday or bachelor party that can be enjoyed by almost all friends. In order to host such an extravagant party, people look out for each and every aspect from party decoration to dinner menu. In fact, it is easy celebrate and organize events at the backyard or garden only. If you have small number of friends then your garden or backyard is the finest place to consider. You can easily manage dinner as well as dances or other programs to enjoy with family and friends.

When you are inviting your friends, you always want to enhance their experiencing by adding more delicious recipes and game programs. Once you have decided your venue then it becomes easy to choose and finalize the dinner items that can add value to your party. Most of the people, consult with the party planners and some directly include world-famous lamb chops or seafood for uniqueness and delightfulness. The reason behind is that such food is the favorite of all. People enjoy seafood products in the fun parties. This is why hosts select seafood as the best appetizer party.

It is easy to select sensational salmon or cod recipes, recipes that feed a passionate crowd or orange juices, desserts and other items that can add extra fun & flavor to the party. From great seafood appetizers to stunning cocktails to bakery products, you can add the high-flavor menu for your dinner party! If you are highly inspired, then you can add red wine, burgers, coffees or other refreshing items for ultimate fun. Most of the health conscious people choose seafood products for health benefits and taste advantages.

In both, formal and informal parties seafood products has its own importance and value. People love roasted crabs, grilled cod or salmon or stuffed golden pompano. These products give amazing taste and make the party environment more exciting and flavorful. These recipes look very appealing and allow guests to enjoy with wines and desserts. For exclusivity, these items are warmly spiced for deliciousness.

In fact, it is easy to order seafood direct from the seafood market. Vendors provide freshly packed sea species as per your requirements. Moreover, you can order special items also such as frozen blue mussels, cod Gadus morhua, frozen squid, crabs, salmon, vannamei white shrimp, Alaska pollock fish etc.

So, whether you are hosting a formal or casual dinner party, you can always rely on amazing seafood recipes.

The author is associated with King Nestle International Company. It specializes in supplying the highest quality sea food products (such as frozen tilapia fillet, vannamei white shrimp, Alaskan pollock fish, cod Gadus Morhua, etc.) They proudly present their seafood services that can add extra value to the commercial markets.
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Easy summer crock pot cooking recipes

Summer is a great time for crock pot recipes. It may be hot and humid outside, but you still need to make dinner for you and your family. Can not BBQ every day. Time won't allow you. Sandwiches and salads can be delicious, but sometimes you want a hearty meal at the end of the day. When you come home from work, I don't want to come home to a sandwich. I had already that during lunch. Order is nice every once in a while, but it can get expensive very quickly, especially if you have a large family. With crock pot cooking, however, you can do almost anything for dinner without heating your entire House, as your oven does. With that in mind, I present to you some easy summer crock pot recipes to try.

Barbecued chicken and vegetables

What you need:

2.5 lbs Boneless Skinless chicken thighs

1 c BBQ sauce

1/2 c water

4 medium potatoes, unpeeled and cut into eighths

8 carrots, cut into 2 inch pieces

What you do:

Layer potatoes and carrots in bottom of 4-6 quart crock-pot. Layer chicken on vegetables. Pour the water into the crock. Spread sauce chicken with a brush. Cook, covered, for 8 hours on low, or until chicken and vegetables are tender.

Swiss Steak

What you need:

2 lbs of round steak, 3/4 inch thick

15 oz can tomato sauce

1 stalk celery, sliced

1 large carrot, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

1 t salt

1/4 t pepper

1/4 c flour

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

What you do:

In a medium bowl combine the salt, pepper and flour. Cut steak into serving size pieces. Add steaks one at a time to the flour mixture; Coat Of Arms. At the bottom of the crock pot add onions, meat, Worcestershire, carrots, celery and tomato sauce in this line. Cook, covered, on low for 8-10 hours.

Cheese Ravioli and sausage

What you need:

1 lb. Italian sausage without casing, browned and drained

9-ounce package refrigerated cheese ravioli

24-28 oz jar spaghetti sauce

141/2-ounce can Italian-style diced tomatoes, undrained

1/2 mozzarella cheese, shredded

1/2 c Parmesan cheese, grated

What you do:

Combine sausage, spaghetti sauce and tomatoes in Crock-Pot; Stir well. Cook, covered, for 7 hours on low. Mix in ravioli, Cover and cook for 30 minutes. Turn off the slow cooker, top with cheese and cover. Allow to stand for 5-10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted; serve.

Country style pork ribs

What you need:

4-5 lbs country style pork ribs

2 (14.5 ounce) cans stewed tomatoes or Italian style tomatoes, diced

1 large onion, chopped

1 large green pepper, chopped

2 sticks celery, chopped

1/2 c red wine or red wine vinegar

1/2 c water

1 t beef or chicken bouillon granules (whatever is in the pantry)

3 T olive oil

garlic salt to taste

salt to taste

pepper to taste

What you do:

Heat the oil in a large skillet. RUB ribs with garlic salt, salt and pepper. Add the ribs to the Pan and cook over high heat until browned on both sides (1-2 minutes per side). Add the ribs and other ingredients for a 6 quart Crock-Pot and Cook, covered, for 8-10 hours on low.

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Seafood products for dinner parties

Do you want to infuse an extra fun and enjoyment in your dinner party? Simply include the seafood products in your hand and feel the difference. Dinner parties at weekends are the best time to include the refreshing and inspiring seafood products and your guests happy and satisfied. Your guests will love to have different types of recipes made with lobster, crab and shrimp. They will not only enjoy it with other desserts and wine, but you will remember for a life time. Most of the people seem to make your party unique and inspirational, this is why they include special menus for your guests and friends.

Undoubtedly, fresh cod, salmon, eel, clams and Squid will add dollops of fun and flavor to dinner party. Together with the other guests will also have a lot of time in a noisy, colorful and exciting party. Of course the party is a great time to spend time with friends and family members. And when it shall be supplemented by the palate teaser delicacies, it will dissolve the incredibly fun. And when it comes to the Royal dinner, dinner of seafood is recalled.

Today, due to overwhelming demand, seafood is available everywhere. In fact, it comes in a wide range of varieties. You can choose delicious crab, shrimp, salmon, eel, frozen Blue mussels, cod and catfish for your party. It is true that the dinner of seafood is quite amazing and gives incredible flavour. Not only does it contain nutritional value, but it looks amazing on a table. You can easily please your guests and dissolve more fun in the country.

Most people experience fever gadus morhua and white vannamei shrimp in their recipes, so guests enjoy it. As it gives an incredible taste and guests at the same time. In fact both are popular for their vitamins, minerals, flaky flesh and tempting taste of hygiene. They are an important source of vitamin a, vitamin D, vitamin e and Omega-3 fatty acids. They are easy to cook and eat and store easily.

It's easy to buy different types of seafood products from the market. If you are able to handle it, you can request the supplier country. They will provide almost all kinds of marine species at the most affordable prices. If you want, they will give you quality certificates too, which guarantee the freshness and quality-enriched. Most of the people are waiting for fresh quality and heavy flesh of seafood products, which is possible when you order from a reputable online store.

The author is associated with King Nestle international company. It specializes in providing the highest quality seafood products (e.g. vannamei white shrimps, frozen fillets of Tilapia, Cod gadus morhua) They proudly present their marine services that can add more value to the commercial markets.
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Baked Pork Chops Recipe

You always wanted to learn how to cook baked pork chops. You thought of hosting a party at your place for family and friends to showcase this food as one of your party dishes. Just a simple party to enjoy the night away to celebrate an occasion of some sort, your birthday perhaps, a job promotion or even a non-occasion gathering to purely celebrate life and relationships. All you wanted was a reunion of the people you love to have around to talk, eat and laugh the night away. It is an absolute joy to spend time with these people and letting them enjoy your cooking as well.

But before you plan on your party, be sure to already know how baked pork chops work so you can easily cook this food by the time your party is set. You do not want to serve a dish that you just learned cooking at the day of the party as you still have to taste it yourself to see if it is good enough before serving it. As the saying goes practice makes perfect. You can try cooking this up at least two times before the night of the party so what you serve your family and friends is the perfect dish of baked pork chops.

So without further ado, here's the recipe:

Total Time : 1 hr and 15 mins.

Prep Time : 15 minutes

Cook Time : 1 hour

Servings : 6

Cooking Level : Easy

Ingredients :

2 Tablespoons soy sauce

4 Tablespoons vegetable oil

2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 Teaspoons lemon juice

4 Tablespoons brown sugar

4 Tablespoons ketchup

6 Pork Chops

Procedure :

Preheat your oven to 350? F (175? C).In a bowl, mix well the soy sauce, vegetable oil, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar and ketchup.In a medium baking dish, arrange your pork chops in it and spread half of the sauce on the chops.Place your baking dish with pork chops on the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes.Remove the dish, turn the pork chops on its other side and spread the rest of the sauce and cook for another thirty minutes or until the pork chops' internal temperature have reached 160? F or 71? C.Serve your baked pork chops.


- You can use the sauce as a marinade for your pork chops.

- You can marinate the pork chops in the sauce for at least an hour (the longer the better) ahead of your cooking time to allow the sauce to flavor the chops

- The sauce can be doubled if you want your dish to be saucy

- Trimming your pork chops is up to you but a little fat on them is delicious

As you can see, this dish is not so hard to cook really. You just need a little courage and imagination to push yourself into making this dish a possibility. In time you can even make baked pork chops one of the favorite dishes during gatherings of family and friends.

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Cooking with Tulsi leaves – try this easy recipe

If you are familiar with India's Ayurvedic holistic health or system, then it is possible that you are already familiar with Tulsi herb. Tulsi, also known as the "Holy basil," is one of the herbs, the principle of Ayurvedic practice. It is highly prized for many applications, especially to create a tasty and aromatic Tulsi tea.

Tulsi tea benefits are still studied today, but one thing is certain: it is already embedded in the history and culture of India. Tulsi tea enjoy now millions of Indians on a daily basis, whether in the morning, afternoon, or night. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and sometimes infused with other vegetable flavors.

Tulsi has become so widely popular in India that even grown in clay pots in traditional Indian homes. This is evident too, thriving in the temples. Buddhist monks add it both to their daily ritual as a drink to help them relax and meditate.

Organic Tulsi tea, whether or not dried leaf tea or tea bags, is wonderful. But did you know that you can add this herb for a wide range of dishes and recipes? Tulsi adds a strong earthy flavor and taste to stir-fried dishes. You only need a little bit of creativity to create delicious food infused Tulsi.

Here's a great recipe to try: stir fried chicken with Tulsi and Chile.


300 g sliced handful of fresh boneless leavesHalf chickenA Tulsi sliced3 onions, garlic cloves-4, slightly crushed2-3 fresh or dried red chili, sliced2-3 tablespoons of the chicken stock1 tablespoon oilHalf tablespoon sauceHalf tablespoon fish soy sauceOne tablespoon sugar


Put a skillet over medium-high heat and allow it to heat up. Add oil when the oil is hot, add the Chile and garlic and sauté until lightly roasted Chile and garlic becomes golden brown ... Add chicken and stir-fry for 30 seconds or so ... Add sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce and mix for three to five minutes or until the chicken is cooked add the onion and stir-fry for another 30 seconds. If the mixture is too dry, add two to three tablespoons of chicken broth. Add Tulsi and give it a quick mix. serve over cooked rice, with fried eggs as a side dish.

If you are getting tired of the usual Tulsi tea drinking, try this unique and delicious recipe instead. You will surely love the interesting twist that Tulsi gives your favorite chicken recipe.

(B) Terry has been fascinated with Indian culture for years now, in particular the use of herbs and spices. She experiments with these Asian spices in your own kitchen, creating a unique and delicious meals for your family. She also enjoys traditional India Tulsi tea every morning and evening. Rate this article

Cooking with Tulsi leaves – try this easy RecipeNot rated yet

Terry Burnett published 7 articles. Article submitted on 04 December, 2012. Word Count: 420

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Chicken Quesadilla Recipe

Bbq Chicken Quesadilla Recipe
I am constantly in search of ways to expand my chicken quesadilla recipe box, because they're simple to make, tasty to eat, and fun to serve. Noticing how barbeque chicken pizza has taken off, I thought 'why not try it in the style of a quesadilla?' So, I did. The easiness of this recipe is almost as 'sinful' as the taste. I will also reveal some variations and pointers, so that you might also get inspired to experiment in the kitchen.

Barbeque Chicken Quesadilla Recipe
3 boneless chicken breasts
8 flour tortillas
1 tsp garlic, freshly minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
½ cup sliced red onion, or sweet Vidalia
1 T oil
1 cup ketchup
¾ cup brown sugar
5 T vinegar
1 T Worcestershire sauce
1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
Cut the chicken in half, or quarters so that it cooks sooner, without overcooking. Saute the chicken, garlic, onions, salt and pepper in the heated oil, until chicken is tender. At the same time, blend the barbeque sauce by mixing the ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and Worcestershire sauce. Once the chicken is done, shred it with a fork, and add the bbq sauce, and cook an additional 10 minutes to meld the flavors. Next, place a tortilla in the saute pan, then layer the barbeque chicken mixture and cheese. Top that with an additional tortilla and cook on medium heat, until golden brown on both sides. I often serve these with coleslaw or chips.

Try changing out the vinegar in the sauce with beer. It delivers a totally unique flavor, while keeping it a bbq sauce.

Add a dash of hot sauce, or few minced hot peppers to the sauce for some heat.

I have also replaced the mozzarella for a smoky provolone, adding a richer and smoked taste.

Make the meat and sauce mixture 24 hours in advance for a deeper and richer flavor, because the flavors are given a chance to meld.

It is possible to use your preferred prepared barbeque sauce instead making the sauce in the recipe, if you would like to save time.

I've added mushrooms for a twist, or bell peppers while sauteing the meat.
Whichever way you decide to make these, they are really distinctive, tasty, and enjoyable to serve. Just make sure to tell people ahead of time that they are not taking a bite of a standard chicken quesadilla recipe. Otherwise, they might be a little stunned at first. Yep, it's happened to me. However, they loved it after they figured out it was SUPPOSED to taste different.

Jesse Swanson is a reviewer for Freedom Foods. She writes about the best recipes and ingredients we know of. Check out her work at: Chicken Quesadilla Recipe
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Tips And Recipe In Cooking Meat Loaf In a Crockpot

Crock pot has definitely made cooking for dinner easier especially for busy housewives who only want to prepare a healthy and sumptuous dinner for the family in spite of a hectic schedule. Having found a place in modern kitchens, this can be left unattended for hours at a time while away attending to other tasks and can be back with a warm meal waiting. One dish that is best cooked in a crock pot is Meatloaf. There are different versions of how to cook them and I have one version of my own from the basic and just added some twist by using some other additional ingredients. I usually cook this on special occasions but with a slow cooker around you can have it as long as you want. Before sharing with you a recipe, I'd like to share some helpful tips in cooking meat loaf in a crock pot too.

Useful Tips:

Select cheaper cuts of meat as this works best with crock pot cooking because it has less fat contents and the long and slow cooking makes the meat very tender. And since its is cheaper, definitely it can help stretch the budget.

Just fill the crock pot with ½ or ? full to cook the food properly.

To remove the meat loaf easily when done, make a foil handle that is about 24 inches long that is folded lengthwise. Place at the bottom of the crock pot with ends hanging on the top edge.

Line the bottom of a crock pot with a cooking bag sprayed with a cooking spray inside to make cleaning easy if it has no removable liner. If possible, buy it with a removable liner.


1 lb ground pork

¾ cup bread crumbs

½ cup finely chopped carrots

6 tbsp. minced green and red bell pepper

¼ cup onions, finely chopped

4 cloves garlic, finely chopped

??cup sweet pickle relish

¼ cup raisins

3 whole eggs

½ cup grated cheddar cheese

3 tablespoons catsup

1 tbsp. cornstarch

dash of liquid seasoning

salt & pepper, to taste

3 hard-cooked eggs, quartered

aluminum foil

How to make the meat loaf:

Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl thoroughly except the hard-cooked eggs.

Divide into portions of your desire. Place a portion on a piece of aluminum foil, flatten and place the hard-cooked eggs at the center and cover with half of the mixture and roll to tightly shape into logs. Pat edges to seal. Do the same with the rest of the portions. ( It is advisable that size of the loaf fits the crock pot with enough space for air to ensure proper cooking).

Place the loaf in a crock pot. ( Place crumpled foil at the bottom of the pot to keep the loaf out of the fat drippings).

Cover with the lid and cook the meat loaf to low for 8 hours.

Let it cool, slice into rings and serve with catsup or mayonnaise for a dip or any of your favorite food sauce.

Makes 4 - 6 servings

This can be served as cold cuts or slightly fry before slicing into rings. Eat together with freshly cooked rice for a perfect meal.

Refrigerate extra meat loaf and get back to it when you feel some cravings for it again.

Marichu Coning Photo Marichu Coning Browse a wide selection of quality cookware, bakeware, cutlery, appliances and related kitchenware at Your Smart Kitchen, your on line location specializing in Fissler, Woll, Paderno, Chasseur, Bosch, Romertopf, Cloer and other quality brands at very reasonable prices with customer satisfaction guaranteed. at very reasonable prices with customer satisfaction guaranteed. Get the Chefwannabee Newsletter and avail of our May special coupons and discounts.
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Tips And Recipe In Cooking Meat Loaf In a CrockpotNot Rated Yet

Marichu Coning has published 44 articles. Article submitted on May 26, 2011. Word count: 543

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Easy Recipes For Crock Pot Ribs

It's easy to make mouth watering, fall off the bone pork ribs when you're cooking with a crock pot. Crock pots are perfect for cooking ribs because they cook at such a low temperature over a long time. The covered slow cooker seals in the juices of the meat while it's cooking. A broiler may be used before or after the slow cooking to achieve a nice sear on the ribs. Here are some easy recipes for crock pot ribs that you can make in your home without the use of a grill.

Crock Pot Barbecue Ribs

What you need:

3 lbs baby back pork ribs1 regular size bottle barbecue sauce (10 -15 oz)1 large onion, slicedbarbecue rub

What you do:

Cut ribs into serving size pieces, but small enough to fit in your crock-pot. Rub ribs thoroughly with barbecue rub. Broil for 10-15 minutes. Ribs should be nicely seared, but not blackened or charred.Put ribs over the onion in a 4-6 quart crock-pot. Pour barbecue sauce over the ribs. Cover and cook on low for 6-9 hours. Ribs should be falling off the bone when done.

Crock Pot Asian Spareribs

What you need:

4 lbs pork spareribs3 garlic cloves, minced3/4 c beef broth1/3 c soy sauce1/4 c ketchup1/4 c honey1 medium onion, sliced1 t salt1/2 t black pepperred pepper flakes or chili paste per taste (optional)

What you do:

Place ribs in an airtight container and cover with onions. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix. Pour mixture over ribs and place in refrigerator for 4-8 hours, turning ribs in marinade at least one time.Place ribs under broiler for 10-15 minutes and broil. Ribs should be nicely seared, but not blackened or charred. Add ribs, onion and marinade to the crock-pot. Cook on low for 8-10 hours.May add some chili paste or red pepper flakes to marinade for a spicier version.

Crock pot or slow cooker heating temperatures may widely vary per model. To ensure proper cooking, make sure you leave the cover on the crock pot. Removing the cover for even a little bit releases all the heat trapped inside and adds cooking time to your meal.

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Easy Crock Pot Recipes - Crock Pot Chili

Crock-pot cooking gets a bad rap sometimes. Some people call it lazy cooking. I call it efficient cooking. With most households having two working adults, it's imperative that all non-family time is managed wisely. Many crock-pot recipes take only 5 - 10 minutes to prep. It can be placed in the slow cooker before work and be done when you come back home. When you open the door, you'll smell the wonderful aroma of a home cooked meal wafting through your abode.

Chili recipes are perfect for the crock-pot. They normally cook in a pot, are easy to prep and smell delicious when cooking. The great thing about chili is how easily it can be changed and adapted to your taste. Here are a couple of my quick and easy to make crock-pot chili recipes.

Tex Mex Chili

What you need:

2 lbs round steak cut into bite-sized pieces15 1/2 oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained1 medium onion, chopped1 green pepper, chopped2 garlic cloves, minced2 (8 oz) cans tomato sauce4 1/2 oz can green chiles, drained and chopped28 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained1 T chili powder1 t cumin2 T olive oil1 t salt

What you do:

In a large skillet, brown meat in heated oil. Place meat in slow cooker. Add remaining ingredients to crock-pot and mix thoroughly. Cook, covered, for 8 hours on low.

Sausage and Beef Chili

What you need:

3/4 lb bulk spicy Italian sausage3/4 lb ground beef1 green pepper, chopped1 large onion, chopped16 oz dried red beans, rinsed and drained1 (28 oz) and 1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained15 oz can tomato sauce6 oz can tomato paste4 T chili powder2 T ground cumin2 garlic cloves, minced1 t salt

What you do:

Brown beef and sausage in a large skillet, drain. In a 6 quart crock-pot/slow cooker, add all ingredients and mix. Cook, covered, for 8-10 hours on low, or until beans are tender but not mushy.Both of these recipes are great served with sour cream, cheese and green onion on top. To add more heat, try some jalapenos or a couple shakes of hot sauce or some red pepper flakes.Rate this Article

Easy Crock Pot Recipes - Crock Pot ChiliNot Rated Yet

Reggie Bean has published 10 articles. Article submitted on January 01, 2012. Word count: 353

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Recipes For Vegetarian School Lunches

Recipes for Vegetarian School Lunches

Packing school lunch for vegetarian teens is easy, using popular as well as nutritious foods such as hummus. Two simple hummus recipes are included for your convenience. Sandwich recipes which use hummus are simple to create, adding in favorite veggies, cheeses and condiments. Feel free to try these recipes, as well as additional ones available at

How to Pack lunch with Vegetarian Sandwiches

Make sure you have 15 oz cans of garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, to use in your hummus recipes. Also have on hand 15 oz cans of Black Beans, to make popular and pretty Black Bean Hummus

Next, make a batch of Hummus. Puree together:

1 - 15 oz can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained

1 - Teaspoon minced garlic (1clove) of garlic (to your taste)

2 - Tablespoons of toasted sesame seeds (or 2 T tahini)

1-3 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice (depending on how thick or thin you like your hummus)

Build the sandwich by spreading ¼ cup of the hummus on the inside of one-half of a pita pocket bread. The quality of the bread can make a big difference, so be sure to use fresh pita. Whole wheat pita is very nice with hummus, but be sure to begin with pita that your children like. Next add cheese. Feta cheese has good affinity with chickpeas, adding flavor as well as increasing the protein in the sandwich. Finally, add condiments and fillings. One lovely combination is a sprinkle of ground ginger and a filling of shredded carrots and thinly sliced apples. Another delicious sandwich is filled with shredded spinach and thinly sliced spearmint.

Egg Salad Sandwiches are also popular with teens. You can boost the "wow!" factor as well as nutrition by adding a black bean hummus spread, veggies and herbs to your basic egg salad. Make black bean hummus by pureeing together one rinsed and drained 15 oz can of black beans, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and 1-3 tablespoons of lime juice. Spread ¼ cup of the black bean puree on the inside of one-half of a pita pocket bread. Add finely chopped hard-boiled egg, sliced avocado and tomatoes, and a sprinkling of minced flat leaf parsley and scallions.

Complete the school day meal

You can support your teens desire to be vegetarian and help make sure they get the healthy nutrition they need by starting to pack lunch. Start with the simple hummus recipes you have just read, try a couple of the sandwich recipes, and then enjoy conversations with your teens about their favorite fruits and veggies. Have fun experimenting. Please share your delicious results on

Add Holy Food extras such as apples or oranges, and simple Spiritual Food. While school meals are improving in nutrition and appeal in many school districts, finding quality vegetarian meals is still a challenge.
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Secret Chef Recipes Ricette About to Be Revealed!

For sure, you have eaten in an Italian restaurant, and all that you can say is that the recipes (ricette) that they have in their menu never fail to surprise you. People from all over the world are always amazed with these perfectly made recipes (ricette) from the finest chefs in Italy and even in Italian restaurants. There is no doubt about it: every single individual would want to taste and even learn how to cook these mouth watering dishes by getting to know the recipes behind these dishes.

Right now, if you are someone dreaming of creating your own restaurant, or just wanted to give your family a nice tasting meal for lunch or dinner, what you need to have access to should be the greatest recipes (ricette) straight from the best chefs in the world.

Restaurant chefs have studied long enough just to be able to perfect one recipe dish. It takes hard work and perseverance. I must say a lot of trial and error meals were served just to be able to get the perfect taste that everybody will surely get crazy about. This is the main goal of cooking - to be able to satisfy the people who are about to eat the meal you have prepared, and to make sure that they have eaten only the best tasting meal that they could possibly have. As a matter of fact, chefs nowadays still carry that goal. But because individuals would like to know the "secrets" to these great tasting Italian meals, recipes (ricette) can now be found all over the internet! These great tasting recipe meals are now shared with the aid of the World Wide Web for everyone to take advantage of.

If you are passionate about cooking, there are cookbooks that can be purchased straight from your local bookstore. These cookbooks can be purchased depending on the category of the meal, or depending on the cuisine that you wanted. You may want to choose the best selling cookbook just to be sure that you're getting the right recipe book, and to make the most out of your money.

On the other hand, if you are a techie person, the internet is the best place to find some great tasting recipes (ricette) straight from the best chefs in the world. Lately, websites are already offering the best cooked and the best flavored meal that they have discovered and sharing it for everyone to make use of. Most often, these websites sharing recipes (ricette) enable their visitor to browse through the different courses or meals depending on how they are cooked, sometimes they are categorized based on the popularity and most often based on the difficulty of the recipe.

If you are dying to find out how to cook the best tasting meal to serve to your family, or during a special occasion, here is one secret that you may want to know: "Always follow the recipes (ricette)." Although simple as it may sound, chefs have been following the very same secret over the years. The only way that you can perfect a meal is by simply making sure that every single step found in these recipes (ricette) is followed, and everything will fall into its proper place.

Browse through the categories of Italian recipes (ricette) and serve the best tasting meal over dinner.
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Use Your Slow Cooker To Make Beverages

Something extraordinary on your usual beverages will spice up the lineup of dishes. A twist of sweetness or alcohol will make a great difference. A milk shake with vanilla ice cream topping will beat every plain chocolate cake any day when it comes to taste and presentation. That is why mothers have included recipes for beverages in their recipe book. It can compensate for any tedious dish.

Usually, blenders are the protagonists when it comes to making beverages. But did you know that you can make beverages out of slow cooker? Weird, isn't it?

This is true. The kitchen regulars have found a way to use the slow cooker to make beverages. It is because some beverages need heating that slow cooker can provide. They need the heat because they have solid main ingredients that will give a large impact to the taste and that should be bit-by-bit dissolved to blend in with the beverage.

A great example for this is spiced beverages. They are full of spices that have particles which cannot be fully reached by the blender. That is why the households have resorted to slow cooking to be able to maximize the spices. A low temperature heating and the long period of cooking could liquefy even the tiniest of particles in a pinch of spice.

Apple ciders are probably a known beverage wherein a slow cooker can be utilized. This unsweetened, purely apple, non-alcoholic drink is good for casual gatherings when there should be a substitute for tea. A sip of apple cider will satisfy those tea-craving tongues. Just throw in the ingredients in the slow cooker, wait for 4 hours and there you have your warm apple cider.

You can also make punches with the slow cooker. Of course, do not put the alcoholic ingredient yet as it is going to corrupt the flavor exchange happening in the slow cooking. Just cook the ingredients first and then add the alcoholic ingredients before serving.

And why have I not mentioned about natural hot chocolate? The mouthwatering sweet beverage can be made in a slow cooker. You can use cocoa powder for it. Every solid bit of the cocoa powder will be melted by the slow cooker's low temperature heat and long cooking, giving the best chocolate taste ever. Serve with marshmallows and/or bread and you will double the hot chocolate experience.

Still, there are lots of beverage recipes out there that you can make with a slow cooker. Experiment and experiment, try different kinds of matching ingredients until all the formulas collide. You can come up with your own slow-cooked beverage!

I am a writer for everything under the food; bread, bread maker, slow cooking, slow cooker etc. Food it, I food it!
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Tefal Actifry For Healthy Chips

Though often considered as a least essential appliance by many people a Tefal Actifry is good for people fond of loving fried food in the comfort of their own kitchens. Families with children will be benefited from this one because whenever you feel like having chips you can get it done at low-effort. This appliance will help you in getting the professional results.
The Tefal is a reputable brand. This machine offered by them comes with many safety and cleaning features. It doesn't require any pre-heating and is even dishwasher safe. The Tefal Actifry is not just a low fat chip fryer but is much more than that. By using it you'll come to know that how it revolutionizes your cooking. You can put your food in it and walk away. You can cook Sausages in about 25 minutes without turning or spitting or even without any mess on the grill.
With it you can even brown your ground beef in just 5 minutes and prepare bolognaise. With it you can cook meatballs in 10-15 minutes. Not just this but you can even roast your carrots, potatoes, parsnips and even sweet potatoes in about 40 minutes. You just need to put them at an interval and walk away without any fear of watching the clock. This actifry saves time and effort.

The Tefal Actifry does all these things automatically and allows you to do other jobs. Having it in the kitchen is just like having a kitchen assistant. With this appliance both pleasure and health can go together.

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Tefal Actifry For Healthy ChipsNot Rated Yet

Herry John has published 17 articles. Article submitted on October 18, 2010. Word count: 262

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Indian food recipes-unique variety in flavor of Indian cuisines

India is a country with diverse specialties, including heritage monuments, stunning architecture, rich culture, landmarks, places, and most importantly, delicious cuisine. People from all over the world come to visit the country and experience the unique flavors in the taste of Indian recipes. The most important fact about the deliciousness in the taste of the food is favourable climatic conditions and farming culture that allowed farmers and agriculture experts to grow numerous useful plants of incredible land of the country. This huge country has flavors spread across all regions, such as the origin of a huge variety of dishes. For example, Kashmir and English dishes are mostly known in the North of the country, while the southern region is famous for dishes from South India. Similarly, the Gujarati and Marathi dishes is known as Western cuisine, while the Bengali and Oriya kitchens are the most popular dishes in eastern India. No matter in which part of the country they live, the aroma and flavor indicates the smell of the country everywhere. However, the method of preparation and tastes of various dishes are also different. The use of Indian spices enrich the taste of simple dish to a great extent.

North Indian dishes are considered the spiciest, yummy and oily food among other staple food, such as butter, cheese, butter and other dairy products are mainly used in large quantities in this food. In the southern region of rice and rice products are quite famous, as a result, spicy vegetables is the need for their food. Although there are a number of essential ingredients used in vegetables and kitchens, the main ones are the red chillies, coriander, cumin seeds, turmeric, salt, chat Masala and others. In addition, spices such as chole Masala, Curry leaves, and Akbar mirchact methi degi as additives to improve the flavor of the food. People in India are non-vegetarians and vegans; Therefore, these condiments can be used in both types of food. However, the spices are primarily used in chicken recipes skewers and almost all types of seafood. In addition to broad truths of savory sweet meals and desserts are loved by many Indians and some people are habitually candy after food.

Food in India is so varied and rich in culture and religion of the country. There are a wide variety of dishes and recipes for Indian food. In the recent past and a taste of the locales has changed and people are more diverted to Western culture. Hamburgers, pizzas and other fast food has replaced many dishes, but the richness and the delectability of food at home is unmatched. If you don't know much about cooking, there are some well-known recipes, websites have been developed to provide information about a variety of new dishes. Learn great recipes and feel the delicious taste of a rich Indian kitchens.

Ravi Chauhan wrote about "unique variety in taste of Indian cuisine" like recipes for Indian food, chat Masala and Indian spices.
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Crockpot Chicken Recipe - Little Italy Chicken And Spinach

As hectic as life is in today's world, the Crockpot has quickly become an essential tool in kitchens today. Nothing could be simpler: you put the ingredients in the Crockpot, plug it in, turn it on and come back to a fully cooked meal. You're then free to work, play or spend the day any way you like, knowing that a delicious meal is waiting for you when you return.

There's nothing like the aroma of food cooking when you come home at the end of a long day. And, there's no shortage of recipes for chicken for the crockpot. By doing a little advance planning and following the crockpot chicken recipes, your life can be a lot easier and convenient and you can be a hero to your family.

One more advantage of crockpot cooking is that the crockpot doesn't heat up the kitchen. This is such an plus in the summer, but don't limit your crockpot cooking only to the hot summer months. Preparing crockpot recipes is a year-round adventure, and you'll really enjoy the smell of food cooking slowly all day long, especially in the winter.

Here is one of my favorite crockpot chicken recipes. Served with a side salad and Italian bread, it's a crowd-pleaser! Tip: If the noodles don't quite fit in the crockpot, you can break them down. Enjoy!

Little Italy Chicken and Spinach

2 (11 oz) cans cream of chicken soup

1 (10 oz) pkg. frozen spinach, thawed, drained

1 (9 oz) pkg. cooked chicken, diced

1 (8 oz) carton sour cream

1 C milk

1/2 C Parmesan cheese

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/8 tsp. nutmeg

9 lasagna noodles, uncooked

1 C mozzarella cheese, shredded

Place the soup, spinach, chicken and sour cream in large mixing bowl, then stir to combine the ingredients.

Pour in the milk and continue stirring until ingredients are mixed well together.

Now, add the onion and stir well.

Sprinkle in the Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and nutmeg, stirring until everything is well combined.

Place 3 lasagna noodles in the bottom of the crock pot.

Pour 1/3 of the spinach mixture over the top of the noodles.

Add 1/3 of the mozzarella cheese.

Continue with 2 more identical layers topping off with the mozzarella cheese.

Cover and cook on high 1 hour.

Reduce heat to low and continue cooking 5 hours.

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101 Never-Fail Christmas Dessert Recipes More Information

Before we start "dishing" out certain Christmas dessert recipes, let us speak about this superb item.

With the approaching of Christmas, amongst contacts and relatives several discussions arouse between people who prefer the pandoro and who the panettone, two common desserts of Italian feasts and not only.

Christmas and Thanksgivings are celebrated around the world with extravagant meals and unique Christmas desserts. It is a time when all of us will let down our guard and partake of desserts that we'd steer clear of during the year. What more advantageous method that can there turn into after a lavish meal, than to indulge in sweet treats that can be such a component of festive traditions.

Desserts will almost allways be excellent to have after a meal. But many people assume they're hard to prepare, while dessert recipes are quite simple to make.

|You don't need to give up desserts during the Christmas excursion simply thanks to you may be on a lo-cal diet. One can find a variety ways to include wholesome desserts into your Christmas menus and they can be so delicious nobody will suspect they can indeed be moreover good for you. Listed below are recipes for two of my preferred healthful Christmas desserts.

Easy to make decadent Christmas desserts simply might as well make your traditional Christmas feast brand new and pleasing this year. Trying not to make identical vacation desserts each break may be a challenge. This year have a shot a couple of brand new recipes, and make a few of the simple to make decadent Christmas desserts ever. Decadent would not necessarily have got to suggest calories; although there are times when you should be in a position to moderately benefit from the things you love this includes a lot preferred easy to make decadent Christmas desserts.
|If you are similar to that of me and many number of other individuals within the world, you don't want to gain weight on the Christmas holidays. You can find work-arounds for a great deal of things-low-sodium recipes for your turkey and stuffing, baked sweet potatoes instead of candied yams, and so forth. However tracking down holistic Christmas desserts can easily appear to be seeking oases in a barren desert. However, it's truly not quite that difficult. Here are some uncomplicated key points perhaps you may wish to try out.

|Christmas desserts don't all will want to turn out to be cakes and cookies! Occasionally the simplest desserts can also turn out to be easy, good and easy on the sugar!

Christmas desserts are sometimes decadent and delicious. They are really also commonly too high in fat and calories; however, they do not necessarily might want to be.

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Cracker Barrel is The Well Known

Cracker Barrel is the well known surname in households everything across America because of their many different recipes including their well-known Cracker drum Hash brown Casserole recipe. Since their dishes are secret & the companionship does not need others to be capable to replicate their fineness, the closest thing which people are able for coming to in stares to the Cracker drum Hash brown Casserole recipe is their own house made recipes using alike ingredients. One very excellent replications & almost perfected edition of the drum hash brown recipe is one which includes the following components. They are two pounds of ice-covered hash brown, 1/4 spoon of pepper otherwise more for taste, the teaspoon of salt & more if desired, two cups of irritated cheddar cheese, half of margarine or else better, the pint of acid cream, half cup of sliced onion, & one container of balm of chicken soup. The amounts can be diverse depending on how the people want the plate to turn out.
Training of the simulation Cracker tub Hash brown Casserole recipe is rather simple too once the components have been collected.Preheat an oven for three hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. The saucepan for baking this dish should be oiled beforehand. Mix each of the ingredients which were gathered before into a basin for the casserole. Increase this mixture out onto the pan & allow it to cook in the oven for 45 min. As with baking some dish this time might vary but for the general indicator this is done on one occasion the top has twisted a shade of blond brown. This formula is sure for being a hit amongst not only your straight family but friends also. Many people may speculate why or still how you managed for getting a copy of an amazing recipe which was previously only documented as being available on their restaurants.

The best 3 Cracker drum chicken dishes are as follows:
1. Chicken casserole recipe
2. Chicken & dumplings recipe
3. Grilled chicken tenderloins

Many people are creating their own editions of this meal utilizing the following ingredients: honey, Italian dressing, lime juice, & of course, chicken. These ingredients for the subsequent meal are quite a lot of because there are divide ingredients for chicken & the dumplings. A few of the components for both chicken & dumplings are the subsequent: lemon juice, parsley leaves, celery stalks, milk, & flour. The third mealtime is included the following ingredients: baking powder, corn meal, baking soda, buttermilk, egg, butter, vegetable oil, chicken broth, & celery. There are causes why among these the chicken recipes away there in the earth, Cracker Barrel's recipes are the most in insists. Also surely, there is a motive why the mentioned recipes were selected as the best amongst all the restaurant chicken meals. Consequently it is actually a must to attempt all of them & all the additional Cracker tub chicken recipes also, & share them with further people.

The Author vincent has written many article like.This artilce Hashbrown Casserole Recipe is one of the best one and much more interesting article.
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Delicious seafood choice for fun parties

When you host a Grand party at your home, you can include a large number of marine species. Seafood is a good choice when it comes to amazing parties. They may vary in a large number of extremely delicious flavors of crab, squid and cod dishes. Depending on your tastes, preferences and choices of your guests will be able to create the ideal menu. You can turn the shrimp and salmon along with a cocktail. This is a better alternative and gives pleasant taste. It is totally unique and people will enjoy it.

If you want a cost-effective alternative, you can add the crab dishes in your party. It can save money and please your guests at the same time. It gives a freshness and great tasting too. In addition, you might want to consider using codto to create some inspirational appetizers as well. people often like smoked Alaska Pollock fish and salmon cheese roll before the actual dinner. This is a very soft white cheese, which you can combine with fresh cod or salmon meat to create a distinct flavor. If you want to wrap and roll it in nuts to create an unparalleled appearance.

It is possible that your guest will like your party and require more such elements. May include other elements made of crab in your next fun part. Most of the people include mussels, since it is a favorite of guests. It gives a great taste and aroma. However, if you do not want to turn it on, you have a fish capabilities too. These fish taste like clams. They will be highly nutritious and delicious items in your country that will save you money.

Some people have allergic reactions to a variety of nautical items (such as trout). Therefore, if there are dishes that contain only seafood, you have to keep them separate. Also you need to keep your fresh seafood dishes every time. You must have appropriate measures to safeguard from exposure to sunlight and air. In fact it becomes very dangerous if you let your dishes on the table from evening to evening. It will worsen your fun and can smell bad at the end of the party.

Today, the choices are nearly a thousand; However, it basically depends on the choice of your guests. You should choose a these seafood recipes, which are highly reliable and seem unique in the party. You must also add special wines, fruit juices, raw vegetables, grilled shrimp and white vannamei with sauces, pasta, biscuits, cornflakes, muesli porridge & and desserts, so that your guests can enjoy the party more extravagantly.

The author is associated with King Nestle international company. It specializes in providing the highest quality seafood products (such as frozen fillets of Tilapia, white vannamei shrimp, Alaskan Pollock fish, Cod Gadus Morhua) They proudly present their marine services that can add more value to the commercial markets.
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Serve hot dog recipe topped with Pete hot dog sauce

Almost everyone loves hot dogs and with the holiday season just around the corner, you can see various gatherings where the hotdog recipes will be in huge demand. So if you are planning a party also for the upcoming holiday season you need some tips, which may tempt the taste buds. For any collection of hot dogs recipes are always added to the menu, which is usually eaten with a variety of toppings. However for making lip Smacking hotdog recipes people prefer sauce, a condiment that help add flavor to hot dogs. Hotdog is very likely snack food of America and billions of people eat it every day. And with regards to its popularity can be served in almost every case to parties, sports events, family reunions, etc, all over the country. Thus adding a hot dog on the menu for your party or event is something you can't avoid.

Usually people are familiar with the traditional taste of hot dogs, but some foodies are always looking for new taste in their recipes. And, you can add more flavor to each hot dog recipe that you have prepared for your special event, serving recipe, topped with a hotdog recipes. Although there are many varieties of sauce today but hot dog recipes are the preferred due to its unusual taste. Traditionally prepared and good quality hot dog sauce recipe when my topped hot dog can help your guests enjoy some of the delicious dishes that they have ever had and enjoy a delicious dining experience, turning your organised event or party at a successful endeavor. Your guests and hosts will appreciate additive flavorsome dishes.

Hot dog sauce are hitting the market in American food and sauce. You can find varieties of hot dog sauce, offered by hotdog vendors who usually consists of a standard, sweet and spicy sauce. The sauce has become today must be added spice to any meal. However the most common sauce is used to add flavor to your hotdogs is ketchup. But the best option would be to try a hot dog sauce to add flavor to dishes. In addition, try opting for a hot dog sauce, made with fresh, local and natural ingredients, as it not only adds flavor to dishes, but also improve the health level. However, you must take into account that each diner has a different taste, where some like a recipe, topped with a sweet sauce, some would like your recipes, topped with salty sauce. So choose carefully the flavor that you want to use.

Anoop Kumar Srivastava Photo Cindy's family of sauces owner Cindy workout has been a chef his entire life, teaching "in the apron" so to speak by his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She is particularly interested in finding ways to preserve fresh produce and developed many hot dog sauce, salsa and pickle recipes over the years. Rate this article

Serve your SauceRating hot dog hot dog recipe topped with Pete: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Anoop Kumar Srivastava has published 34 articles. Article submitted on 05 December, 2012. Word Count: 427

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Using Ham Bones In Soup - Crock Pot Soup Recipe

Soup serves as a twist to every meal . This was considered as already a complete meal before but now, this comes in different variations depending on eating habits or trends and influences. Chilled soups is now an addition to the classical preparation ever since soup was introduced in our meals. One way of cooking soups now is by the use of crock pot. There are several of them that can be cooked this way. Ham bone in soup is one of them.

Ham bone can be a portion of the butt or the shank. It can also be the whole or half of the leg that includes the hip, thigh and shank bones that remain as part of the ham. The bone-in hams can either be smoked or unsmoked but all the same ham bones are very flavorful especially for soups as this requires long hours of boiling. Since soup is served as the first course in a dinner, it should be an appetizer and should contain nutritive values. The purpose therefore of soup is to awaken the appetite and to provide essential food nutrients needed by the body. The following is one crock pot soup recipe using ham bones.


¼ cup vegetable oil

1 pound ham bones

2 cloves garlic

1 large onions, chopped

2 medium size carrots, diced

¼ cup tomato paste

1 rib celery, diced

1 bay leaf

3 black peppercorns

5 cups beef broth

½ cup red wine

salt and pepper to taste


Place the vegetable oil in a pan and the bones to brown for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Put the garlic and let it brown while occasionally stirring. Add the tomato paste, stir for even distribution fo r 15 minutes. Stir in the red wine. Continue stirring until the red wine evaporated.

Place in a crock pot together with the remaining ingredients, onions, carrots, celery, bay leaf, black peppercorns and beef broth and cook over a low heat for 6 to 8 hours. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Makes 4 servings

This is just a simple crock pot recipe that is budget- friendly yet healthy. There are still lots of soup recipes that can be cooked using crock pot. Following some cooking tips when using crock pot can yield a delicious and properly cooked food. We can use cheaper cut of meats as this cook well in slow cooker because it contains less fat not to mention the money we can save. It is advisable to trim excess fats in meats where there are more fats as this will cook quickly. Fats melt with prolong cooking hours and this cause unpleasant texture to the food. Time requirement for meat in slow cooking is usually 8 hours. Crock pot should only be ½ or ? full to cook the food properly. Food and liquid level shouldn't be less as this will also cook very quickly. Follow this general tips and you'll find yourself enjoying crock pot cooking in many dishes that you wish to prepare.

Marichu Coning Photo Marichu Coning, Content Creator @ Your Smart Kitchen, On line location for quality cookware, kitchenware, bakeware and cutlery specializing in Fissler, Swiss Diamond ,Claybakers, Le Equip, Paderno and other quality brands at reasonable prices with customer satisfaction guaranteed.
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Healthy Never Tasted So Good...

Who said that healthy had to mean boring? You might infer that after seeing what types of healthy foods that the food industry offers. They strip all the best parts away and leave you with the bare basics. All the great tasting red meat is gone and you're left with a veggie burger. The tons of dressing that you're used to pouring over your tall salad creations is turned into a teaspoon of law fat flavoring that tastes worse than the lettuce. Prepared meals are the worse. Not only are they filled with enough sodium to send your blood pressure to dangerous levels, but the horrible packing seems to creep it's way into the food and make every bite taste like warm card board. There has got to be something else for you to try. There are still healthy foods that taste great. Skip the frozen section aisle and make your own creation with a Tefal Actifry.

You don't have to be a great cook to use these creations. This revolutionary product will also help cut down on your cooking time. Brown hamburger in minutes. Set it and forget it. The unique designs helps capture all the fat and unhealthy ingredients towards the bottom so you can easily separate the good portions. No one wants to constantly run back to check on their food items. These are the perfect options for the busy mother. They're great for the college student who might no little to nothing about real cooking. Don't head to your local retail store to find these great items. Find the real value and get a Tefal Actifry online.

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Herry John has published 17 articles. Article submitted on October 18, 2010. Word count: 283

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All Food Recipes

Last but not least with the net and the worldwide spread of facts, as perfectly as present day mass-tourism, the affect of foreign foods on Thai cuisine has by no means been so major.

Thai foods is flavorful and fragrant. Some of the meals can be fiery scorching and incorporate plenty of chilies but there will even now be an underlying softness and delicate taste. To grasp this design of cooking, you will need to have to understand about the harmony involving salty, spicy, sweet and sour tastes.

Thai food characteristics fresh spices, herbs, and nothing too large. This cuisine presents a light, clear, and very fresh flavor, which is why it is so exceptional and really favorite. Most Thai recipes are easy to get ready and just simply call for a wok, a handful of refreshing herbs and some meat, fish or veggies. Usually use fresh new elements and slice your meat thinly so it soaks up loads of taste.

A Nearer Seem At Curries

There are four standard curries in this cuisine and they are green, red, massaman, and panang. You can make your own curry pastes working with a flavorless oil with spices. Blend the paste in a foods processor and freeze or refrigerate it.

Thai curries are commonly served with jasmine rice. Cook a few tablespoons of your favorite curry paste in a very very hot wok with the thick component of some coconut milk, and then thin the sauce with thin coconut milk. Coconut milk is put to use a ton in the south of Thailand as the liquid in curry recipes and you can retail store it on the shelf or in the refrigerator. If you refrigerate it, the milk will separate. You can them use the thicker piece to fry your curry paste in the wok and the runny element to thin the sauce afterwards.

You will have to have a wok for effective Thai cooking for the reason that greens and other substances need to be cooked through a extremely large warmth really rapid. You really should 1st heat up the wok and wait for it to smoke, then create the oil. This is unique from western cooking when you create the fat and then warm the pan up.

Key Thai Components

An individual of the most distinctive tastes in this cuisine has to be lemongrass. This clean-tasting plant can be chopped coarsely to include taste to fish or chicken or thinly sliced for stir fries. Lower the close off of the stalk and peel 3 layers off just before you chop it. Kaffir lime leaves have a leathery come to feel and they will brighten up your recipes. You can freeze these and thaw them on the countertop just in advance of you use them.

Bird's eye chilies are very small but do not let their diminutive dimensions fool you for the reason that they are extremely spicy! In simple fact you really should put on rubber gloves to tackle them because they can burn your skin. Galangal looks a bit like ginger but it is not as powerful. Certainly not use ginger alternatively for the reason that the two vegetation have incredibly unique flavors. Thai basil does not taste like Italian basil - it tastes more like anise.

Fish sauce is made from fish which has been fermented for a 12 months and a fifty percent or additional.

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